Saturday, April 30, 2005

Farewell to the batch of '05

Tonight's the last official day of the orientation week. Alum from the batch of '05 have spent the last week or so on campus interacting with us 'freshers' and giving 'gyan'. Numerous sessions on the various clubs, life here and of course the all-important placement stats have been discussed to death!

Yesterday, the alums invited the batch to a party at a local pub called 'Bottles and Chimney'. There were 40 alums and about 15 from our batch of 347. The lack of participation led to one of the alums to include on his presentation about life here "There is life beyond Talent Nite". Next day, the batch of '06 apologises in true Hindi-film ishtyle with cake and flowers!

To commemorate their last day on campus, the alums are invited to a farewell bash complete with DJ, strobe lights and booze. Party comes to an early close at about 4:30am with the dj playing - November rain.

One enduring sentiment repeated over and over by the various alums on campus..."This year will be over too soon...treasure it!" We fully intend to...

Story so far...

Its been an interesting couple of weeks since arriving here. The task of frantically meeting everyone in the batch and retaining about 20% of the names can be tiring.

Roomies...or rather...quaddies, have only 2 rt now...shammak and vishal. didnt take long to figure out that we shared similar thought frequencies...!

Met some other folks...sachin, rohit, clinton...laid back....i like that. with ideas for so many clubs floating around, we decide to form our own 'Sit-around and do nothing' club. no prizes for guessing who's president.

Having heard the importance of the study groups, our group (A15) met up to get a headstart on the 'bonding' process...but fate, it seems, had other plans...aww who'm i kidding...suneeta chatta had other plans as i was unceremoniously moved to section impressed! just 2 weeks and these guys already know that i dont quite fit in with the 'academics' in A ;)

Met my new group...Supreeth, Pawan, Namit, Niddhi, Hrishikesh...a.k.a 'group dynamics' classes required here..think we'll get along just fine. what i don't know is will these guys be able to stand me :)

Friday, April 29, 2005

Better late than never

"Do not create blog with runny nose" - Old Chinese saying
Since blogs generally have good immune systems, I guess they meant not to put your thoughts down for the world to see when you're cranky as hell!

Like most things I do, this is overdue by about a month, but the intent is to try and capture some of my experiences (memorable and otherwise) in my year at the Indian School of Business.