Saturday, November 05, 2005


Its Midterm timeand for a change, Im NOT sitting up at 4am wondering (wud be for the 5th consecutive term) why I hadnt been regular with my readings! That’s coz its that time of the year when segregation rears its ugly head on campus. Not so much on the basis of race/sex/religion but something much more intrinsicyour choice of major! The Fin people (not the country), are busy preparing for their opFr (Options and Futures) midterm and puns youd only trust people of that branch to come up with…”No Option and Dark Future are doing their rounds on campus. Of course, when these folk say they are unprepared, usually means theyre ill-equipped to add anything to the existing body of knowledge.  That’s not to say that I don’t have my cross to bear with assignments and take-home midterms due next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey,just stumbled upon your blog.Made very interesting reading.Sounds like lots of hard word and very little fun.I guess thats what becoming a manager is all about.Good luck buddy and keep blogging.