Thursday, April 20, 2006

With great power... great responsibility....but a humongous power turn the damn lights off!

"Only three others share the secret...Our friend the Sorceress, Man-At-Arms and Orko..." if none of that made any sense, that might be the cue for you to skip this post :)

Before there were nerdy-looking adolescents brandishing twigs to defeat all forms of evil, things were done in the proper manner, by troubled young-men with extraordinary physical strength and other 'super' powers.

For those who partook of a steady diet of Marvel and top four in ascending order goes....:)


Real NameJames Howlett, now Logan
AliasWeapon X
OccupationFormer CIA Operative
First SightedMarvel 1974
Claim to fame
A mutant with extraordinary strength owing to a skeleton laced with unbreakable metal alloy, resulting from being an unwitting guinea-pig in a secret government military program. Given to beserker rages in combat, his feral instincts mean that he is most likely to permanently deal with adversaries. Inspite of a quicksilver temper, Wolverine has been descitbed as a warrior poet with an iron will. His mortal enemy is his half-brother known as Sabretooth

The Incredible Hulk

Real NameRobert Bruce Banner
AliasMr. Fixit, Professor, Green Behemoth
OccupationNuclear Physicist
BaseDayton, Ohio
AffiliationPantheon, Avengers
First SightedMarvel 1962
Claim to fame
The mightiest mortal to ever walk the earth. Mortals fear him, Gods respect him. Having buried his emotions arising at the hands of an abusive father, Bruce, is gamma-irradiated when attempting to save a civilian who mistakenly enters the nuclear testing facility. The Hulk represents the mortal fear of every human being; within everyone lies great, destructive rage and egotism, capable of shambolic destruction

The Phantom

Real NameChristopher Walker
AliasGhost Who Walks
OccupationGuardian of the Eastern Dark
BaseSkull Cave - Bangalla
AffiliationThe Jungle Patrol
First SightedFeb 1936
Claim to fame
The original masked superhero. Legend has it that generations of the Phantom gave rise to the alias "Man who cannot die". Kit Walker is the 21st Phantom and has no 'supernatural' powers, but rather relies on his skills as a horseman, marksman and a fighter. His helpers, a mountain-wolf 'Devil', his white stallion 'Hero' and 'Fraka' the falcon. His prowess has given rise to 'old jungle sayings' like "Phantom's anger chills tiger's blood", "Great cat is quick, Phantom is quicker"


Real NamePeter Parker
AliasFriendly neighborhood Spider-Man
OccupationPhotographer - Daily Bugle
First SightedMarvel Aug 1962
Claim to fame
The son of secret agents of agency S.H.I.E.L.D, Peter's parents were killed by Red Skull and was raised by his uncle Ben and aunt May. A shy introverted teenager, he gained his powers on being bitten by an irradiated spider. His dual identity has him pay dearly with the death of girlfriend Gwen Stacy, though he has various love-interests culminating in the lovely Mary-Jane Watson. Apart from superior athleticism and the ability to shoot webs, his most potent weapon is a sixth sense that activates and alerts him to threats.

Feel free to share your top 3/4. And yeah, that second line indicates the secret that the most powerful man in the universe and the guardian of Eternia is in fact the rather colorless Prince Adam.


Anonymous said...

Awesome..finally some thing in common.I think you wil enjoy this blog..

don'thaveaclue said...

but u do realise he wudn't be able to do much against the web-slinger :)

Anonymous said...

Doubt my favourites would fight each other.Unless of course Mary Jane comes in the way..After all wolverine is a lonely man, and not for any rare skills of his.

don'thaveaclue said...

woah woah...mary jane goes for guys with a keen sense for danger...we dont want her in the middle of any fight.