Friday, March 30, 2007

Live TV!

Kingfisher just pushed the envelope of competition for full-service passengers by introducing a feature I've never heard of as being available anywhere around the world! Live TV beamed to your console on the aircraft! I hadn't been too impressed by their move to introduce video screens because the idea of watching a tired collection of recorded snippets did not excite me, particularly since any domestic flight is only going to last about an hour or so and with the meal-service, it didn't seem like you needed any additional distractions. I'd resorted to tuning into 'Kingfisher Radio' with a respectable collection of 70s and 80s rock, but that too had started getting repetitive. But this time around, the screens sported an orange sticker that said "Live tv by Dish TV". I wasn't sure what this meant, but flipping through the channels, lo and behold, the first over of the West Indies V New Zealand, LIVE! Was one of the shortest flightest I've been on.

This sure gives Jet Airways something to chew on, given that they have added video screens to the business class section? (not sure though). Given that replicating the move would be costly and also be seen as a copy-cat move, what would be a fitting response (without dropping fares)? more elaborate meal options? more attendants at the airport? more flexible pricing? or maybe internet connectivity on flights (but that might be just as costly)?

I don't see too many options available to them given that they can't do much about ensuring timeliness of the flights. It will also depend on whether kingfisher chooses to hike its prices (this could be tricky since not many would be willing to pay extra for some channel-surfing) or maintains status quo (the more likely option). One thing is for sure, on lean days, given a choice, most people will choose the airline that offers more frills unless the competition offers a substantial price discount. What Kingfisher is doing can't be bad for the industry though, it would only serve to more clearly segment the full-service versus the low-cost. Would make for interesting observation to watch for Jet's response.

p.s: Of the 10 odd screens that were in my eye-line, each of those chose to tune into some form of bollywood gibberish than watch Brian Lara bat. A nation of cricket-lovers indeed...pfft!

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Anonymous said...

qlffmouThis is hilarious --

Your post on Mr. Tendulkar (directed towards me) read out this as a part:
" As for your assessment of his capability, i agree it might carry more weight than what the likes of Richie Benaud, Ian Chappell etc say about him, but pardon me for going with the other group.

Uhmm... do you read the papers? Or do you just have your daily dose of crap from the TV and reproduce it on blog? Your very OWN Chappel just said something neat -- Dig it, Mr. Mental Masturbator!

Ian Chappel - "At the moment he looks like a player trying to eke out a career; build on a glittering array of statistics.... If he really is playing for that reason and not to help win as many matches as he can for India, then he is wasting his time and should retire immediately...When you think that for a decade Lara and Tendulkar went head to head in a wonderful battle of stroke play to establish who was the best batsman in the world, they are now worlds apart in effectiveness."

Read more of it -

And now that your pea-sized brain realize that half the side you chose (Benaud & Chappel) has mirrored what I wrote 5 days back. There's no glory in that... just goes to show what you need to do as a Spors fan -- (I mentioned it as the last word) -- E.V.O.L.V.E.

P.S. The National edition of The Times of India should have this one covered -- just for you! I'm sorry.. but you may please excuse me for all this torture!

don'thaveaclue said...

am glad you get your jollies from tearing down guessing you're one of those that goes into ecstasy when michael schumacher crashes in lap 49 and one of those that wets your pants when sampras loses the final set.

i fervently hope, it takes more than scavenging fans like yourself to determine how good or bad someone is. ian chappell certainly has more right to have an opinion on SRT's retirement, but if he's been thinking that for 3 years, why say it now?..when 'popular' sentiment is formed by groups of you based on 1 innings.

and in your euphoric celebration about having scored what sounded like one of your biggest victories, reflect on this, that if this man is made to fade away into ignominy, imagine the effect it'll have on the next cricketing generation...that if he can be booed into retirement, what hope do they have, of ever being successful sportsmen. cricket in this country depends on this man coming back strong. go celebrate some more.