Tuesday, August 15, 2006

hole sale

My longest break by far since making the move to the new job. Three whole days...courtesy the firm moving our customary third saturday off to this monday. I certainly am not complaining, atleast not till saturday. The weekend's been mostly relaxing with the expenditure of some quality time. S, counting the cd and the Gary Larson and C&H, I won't complain if you make it a weekly thing to give me cool stuff :)
We're in the home-stretch of my first assignment. Had what was essentially the presentation of our recommendations on friday, went well, I think. The sixty-four million dollar question I suppose will always be whether you've come up with anything that they wouldn't have thought of anyway. Don't want to overanalyze something I have scant knowledge about, so there'll be more posts once I reckon to have a surer hang of things. Will be starting on a new assignment tomorrow, will know more after the first meeting with clients.

Considering to-dos form a large part of my life these days, thought I should list some of 'em important ones...

Things I need to do in the near-ish future:
  1. Figure out the business of management consulting...as in really figure it out

  2. Get back to working out...regularly (this one's been part of other lists in the past...but this time I have 35 lbs of metal and two bars to vouch for me)

  3. Get a half-decent car

  4. Stake out agreeable residential localities in the city...no..not for potential targets to satisfy carnal desires or serial-killer tendencies but for actual places i'd like to live in

  5. Read the three books I recently got (from that l'il basement store called 'The Bookworm' in a side-street in B'lore, faint mustiness and arrays of yellowed books...quite surreal)


Anonymous said...

and i won't mind either if u keep doing the things u do ;)

ela1ne1 said...

what kind of things are we talking about missy? as your guardian (practically) i demand to know. and fron now on, any shady things u do, i get vetoing rights.

don'thaveaclue said...

elaine! what do u have against me?! ;)

Anonymous said...

nothing shady at all elaine...just helping me with an excel of my own...and buying me pretty things :)

Ford Prefect said...

As someone who has too much time and a sleazy mind ,I also demand to know whatever shady things you do ... and dont worry I wont Veto anything ;-)