Saturday, August 12, 2006

kinky in the boardroom

Ok, so tying a thin strip of fabric (mostly silk) around my neck, with a neat knot (well, mostly and no...we're not talkin' S&M here..well not yet) with the end dangling under my chin, every day of the work week isn't exactly my idea of fun. The hour long commute each way isn't that flash either. Nor is wearing three layers with this city's humidity levels..(when one is one too many).. every once in a while because apparently, the additional layer automatically implies 'wisdom' and 'great analytical ability' and 'a huuuuuuge....ok well maybe thats tougher to's done a better job describing the garment that endows you...Butt...and am talking one of those that make you want to reach out...and...well squeeze!...telling the top management of a company about how they should be running their their boardroom..oak-panelled walls et al...listing out a slew of things they should do/change/desist to maximize shareholder value (and believe it or not...thats not sarcasm!)...yup....thats not stuff you put on your regular weekly status report in your regular information technology services company with regular growth rates in triple figures before boarding the regular bus that takes you back to civilization. Yup...I think I could get used to that...


Anonymous said...

so you're not completely opposed to s&m? ;)

ela1ne1 said...

oh dear, i see you've developed anonymous' fetish for butt squeezes. as for u ms. annonymous, go easy on the poor boy.

Anonymous said...

Bingo with dawn always!

Did wonder if I was seeing someone in Raymonds ad! phew...taking this new path would definitely bring you to new heights....

à vos souhaits!

Ford Prefect said...

Dude - S&M is good...and not just because its also my initials ;-) ... Would love to jump into the discussion with anonymous and Elaine , but would not do so on grounds of inappropriateness..

Anonymous said...

why do elaine and ford think they know me?!!
you people don't..honestly..and there is no butt squeezing fetish...really!!

don'thaveaclue said...

well well..apparently s&m is more popular than i thought

elaine: thnks fer the support...isnt it amazing how contagious bad habits are...

savy: my french is now un peu rusty... but thanks :) but when have u seen me in one of those?

ford: view is what can be thought can be said ;) no impropriety

don'thaveaclue said...

as for you 'anon'...forgotten our blogger id have we...

Anonymous said...

i did not mention I did see you ..did I...was wondering if you would look like that ....

the raymond guy :-)

à votre santé